Here you can see a close up of the hand painting.The colors add a little personal touch to the furniture. I picked out certain areas of the chair and table that I thought would look good with some color.The chairs came with pads with the same pink/blue combination so I recently covered them with different fabric and added the small round pillows for the back. I basically placed the pillows on a large piece of paper and drew out my pattern. I transfered the the template onto the pillow and sewed them together. What I added was a slit on the bottom of the pillow so I could easily remove these covers for washing. That idea turned out to be good because these chairs do get dirty enough out on the porch.I sprayed the furniture with clear, spray gloss to protect it from the elements. Wicker is easy and fun to paint. You can really make it your own.
**On that note, I'm leaving for vacation in two days. We are packing up the family and heading to the beach. Please don't think I have disappeared because I'll be back at the end of next week. See you then!!
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